Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May Update

♦ Be sure to check our list of new books and DVDs and those that are currently "on order". You'll find the list on the right side of this blog, just scroll down a bit. :-) You are encouraged to place a hold on items that are "on order" to ensure that you get a chance to read a title before it goes out to fill holds in other regions.

♦ Palliser Regional Library now has a number of Book Club Kits available. Each kit contains 10 copies of the book, plus discussion questions, and can be borrowed for a period of 6 weeks. CLICK HERE for more information about the Book Club Kits and a list of titles currently available.

♦ Each month we have a list of new and hot titles available. The list is both in bookmark format and as a wall display in the library. Be sure to have a look!

♦ Three more library regions will be joining SILS -- the new province-wide system -- on June 7: Lakeland Region, Parkland Region, and Wapiti Region.

♦ We are looking for two summer students to lead our Summer Reading Club for kids. Students need to be at least 15 years of age, and will be hired to work one afternoon per week, for six weeks. For more details, please see posters at the school and around town, or call the library.

♦ Our Summer Reading Club theme this year is "Destination Jungle". We will start taking registrations once school is out, and will start our weekly programs on Wednesday, July 7th.

♦ We recently rearranged our adult fiction collection to create a special Christian Fiction section. Hopefully it will be easier for our readers to find their favorite Christian authors.

♦ Due to popular demand, we have added a new magazine subscription, Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting. We have another quilting magazine we have purchased locally, The Quilter Magazine.

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