Thursday, July 3, 2008

Contest for Teens!

You fell in love with the first three books... Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse...

On August 2nd the love story continues with Breaking Dawn.

And Palliser Regional Library is giving away a copy of this fabulous new book to one lucky reader!

To enter the draw, fill out a ballot (available at the library) and vote -- who do YOU think Bella should end up with? Should she spend eternity with Edward? Or live a mortal life with Jacob?

You decide.

** Must be ages 13 - 18 to enter. All ballots must be in by August 26th.

NOTE: If you haven't read this series yet... you need to! Davidson Branch recently purchased the first three and they should be arriving from Headquarters soon -- hopefully the week of July 10th. Check with us to see if they're here, or place a hold on the catalogue.

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