Thursday, July 17, 2008

Twilight Saga books are in!

Our books have arrived! We just received Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse, the first three books of Stephenie Meyers' Twilight Saga. The fourth book in the series, Breaking Dawn, comes out on August 2nd, so if you read fast you might have time to get the first three read before it comes out! Then, if you are between the ages of 13 & 18, you can enter our contest (see post further down) and let us know who you think Bella should end up with... Edward or Jacob? Prize? A fresh-off-the-press copy of Breaking Dawn.

If you're too old to enter the contest, sorry! But you can still read the books -- there are many, many adult readers of the series. {You might want to give the teens a chance to read them first so they can enter the contest, though. ;-) }

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Doggone funny!

We had a great time with storyteller Patty Perry today! How appropriate that her theme was dogs, and we'd planned a hot dog lunch to follow... ;-)

31 kids.... 4 dozen hot dogs... lots of laughs. :-)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Upcoming for kids...

Wednesday, July 16th at 10:00 a.m.
Join us for stories, riddles, jokes with Storyteller Patty Perry
Free hot dog lunch to follow. Ages 12 and under.


Wednesday, July 23rd at 2:00 p.m.
Scavenger Hunt!
Come dressed for the outdoors.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Kooky Christmas in July

Yup, it was Christmas here today!!! We had 13 children out to enjoy the festivities. :-) See the slide show on the right for more pictures.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Summer Reading Club off to a great start

Yesterday was our first activity day for the Summer Reading Club. We had 17 kids come out and by the sounds coming from downstairs they seemed to be having a blast! Next week's theme is "Kooky Christmas in July" -- bring the kids out for some crazy fun. (I wonder if Santa will show up?!)

We have 30 kids registered so far, and we hope they do LOTS of reading this summer. Each time a child or teen checks out books, they can enter their name for our weekly prize draws -- one for each category. Each week's winner gets to choose something from our basket of goodies.

Contest for Teens!

You fell in love with the first three books... Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse...

On August 2nd the love story continues with Breaking Dawn.

And Palliser Regional Library is giving away a copy of this fabulous new book to one lucky reader!

To enter the draw, fill out a ballot (available at the library) and vote -- who do YOU think Bella should end up with? Should she spend eternity with Edward? Or live a mortal life with Jacob?

You decide.

** Must be ages 13 - 18 to enter. All ballots must be in by August 26th.

NOTE: If you haven't read this series yet... you need to! Davidson Branch recently purchased the first three and they should be arriving from Headquarters soon -- hopefully the week of July 10th. Check with us to see if they're here, or place a hold on the catalogue.