Friday, May 8, 2009


Storysacks Information Session
  • Do you like to sew?
  • Are you crafty?
  • Creative?
  • Are you interested in promoting community literacy?
We are looking for volunteers to help make Storysacks. We will purchase all of the supplies, but we need help in creating the Storysacks.

What goes into a Storysack?
  • A good quality storybook;
  • Props, scenery and characters to bring the story to life;
  • A non-fiction book book linked to the story;
  • Reading tips and activity ideas for the parents;
  • Word or number games based on the story; and
  • An audio tape/CD of the story.
We will be holding an information and brainstorming session on Saturday, May 23 at 1:00 p.m. at the library. Please join us!