Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Pathfinders are guides to help you find information on specific topics, both online and from the library. I have created a pathfinder for a project for an Introduction to Reference class, and am providing a link on this blog. In the future I may create more pathfinders and will add them.

Here is the link to the first one. Perimenopause and Menopause Pathfinder I will also provide a link to this and any future pathfinders on the right. I hope you will find it useful.
~ September

Project Porchlight

Palliser Regional Libraries were distributing energy efficient CFL lightbulbs to residents throughout Sask. Library Week, through Project Porchlight. Davidson Library was not included because we are to be supplied by a different agency. However, Palliser had some surplus bulbs that they have given to us to distribute.

Please stop by the library and pick up your FREE compact flourescent light bulb -- one per household. Supplies are limited.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Saskatchewan Library Week

Library Power!

Join us for Saskatchewan Library Week
October 20-27.

Tuesday, Oct. 21 ~ Stop in for coffee & muffins

Wednesday, Oct. 22 ~ Monthly Nutrition Night, "Heart Health"

Thursday, Oct. 23 ~ Story Time for Preschoolers with Arlene Low @ 10:00 a.m.

Friday, Oct. 24 ~ Freebie Friday. We will have some of our used books on display, stop by and check them out, and get one FREE used/discarded book.